2025 Marbleseed Conference Volunteer Application
Please submit a new form for each adult volunteer applicant. Deadline to apply is Thursday February 6 2025.
You must be at least 18 years of age to volunteer.
Volunteer positions are limited and scheduled in the order they are received.
The 8-10 required hours will be scheduled on at least two days.
Volunteer shifts overlap workshops--you will be unable to attend all workshop sessions.
Volunteers must arrive on time to their scheduled shifts and be ready to work.
Volunteers must not leave their shift without permission from Marbleseed staff. (If your shift falls during mealtimes, you will receive a short meal break. Please do not eat while working.)
On approval of your application, you will receive an email with a code to register at a discounted rate of $60 for full conference registration, Thursday - Saturday, and meals provided during volunteer shift.
If you have any questions regarding volunteer applications, please contact Sara Mooney at sara.mooney@marbleseed.org